Tips for Improving Your Confidence

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We’ve all been there…. lack of confidence about who we are, what we look like, how we speak, how we act, where we are from, the job we have, or really anything else. It’s easy to let a lack of confidence hold us back from going after what we want or keep us from fully becoming our best selves. In this blog post, you will find some tips on improving your confidence that you can implement into everyday life.

  1. Get Uncomfortable - It’s not natural to enjoy getting uncomfortable in life whether that is in work, your personal life, or any other aspect of life, but getting uncomfortable is a key part to confidence. A lack of confidence in yourself usually stems from not being comfortable being uncomfortable. It’s never easy to get uncomfortable… I like to think of getting uncomfortable like a muscle… the more you work it out, the stronger it becomes. You need to work on getting uncomfortable everyday to start working on your confidence. If you’re terrified of public speaking, maybe you start with smiling and saying hi to people you meet on the sidewalk. If you don’t like how someone treats you, maybe you start with a simple “please don’t speak to me that way.”…. everytime you get uncomfortable you are working towards being more confident.

  2. Get Committed- To gain confidence you have to get fully committed. Seriously, commitment is probably one of my biggest personal challenges so I wholeheartedly understand that getting fully committed can be challenging and intimidating. You have to start getting committed to taking steps to work on your confidence. If you don’t feel confident about working out, commit to going so many days in a week and actually go. If you want to make a million dollars, get fully committed to how you are going to do that and start taking the steps to get there. Confidence is developed through your personal commitment.

  3. Execute - I believe I gain the most confidence when I execute and do something I said I was going to do. It is also the BIGGEST pet peeve of my mine for someone to say they are going to do something and never follow through. This blog post is a great example of executing. I absolutely did not want to write this post, but I planned poorly and this was the only time I could write so I had to execute to continue working on my confidence in my blog.

  4. Think Less & Do More - If you’ve never read the 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins - I would highly recommend it. We can outthink ourselves from doing anything. I am not saying to act without logic, but I am saying to think less and do more. Taking a risk and putting yourself out there will only help your confidence. Obviously, this is a risk, but that risk or scary moment can really help towards you working on your confidence.

  5. Journal-I talk about journaling alot because it has help in so many areas of life. Honestly, it has changed my life entirely. One thing I jounral that helps with my confidence is writing down ‘I am’ statements . Sometimes, I don’t feel like what I am writing is true, but I know I am becoming more confident by writing it down.

It’s important to remember that when it comes to confidence no one has it all figured. Even those who appear to be the most confident still struggle with insecurities and times of uncertainty. Confidence is something we can strengthen, but will never be perfect because that’s life. I hope these tips help strength your confidence muscle.

