100 Things Project- Categories
Alright y’all January 15th is here….. If you set resolutions or goals for yourself, are you still on track? Are you keeping those resolutions?
As I’m sure you know, I am working on my 100 Things Project. Today I want to share with you my categories and one thing I already crossed off my list. (YAY!)
So when it came to my categories, I had a little help from my best friend Gab and a good guy friend of mine. I wanted categories that would actually change my life, force me to grow, challenge myself, help me become more disciplined, live life to fullest, etc.
100 Things Project Categories
Things to Start
Things to Try
Places to Go/New places
Books to Read
Things to Remember
Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do/Try
Things to Do for Myself
Things to Stop
Things to Continue
Some categories have some things that are crazy big, larger than life things to try and do, while are others are as simple as ‘Stop Apologizing’ (this is under the Things to Stop category, in case you were wondering). Right now, some of my categories are lacking. For example, Places to Go, only has 4 places within that category right now so feel free send me some places to try, even if it local to Denver and a restaurant… I want to know!
Now to the thing I crossed off my list….
Yesterday, I crossed a thing off my list from the category Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do/Try. The thing I crossed off was ‘Modeling’, but not just modeling for a photoshoot or for Miss Colorado things. I wanted this thing to be a connection I made on my own or through a new agency. This is very specific because when I was Miss Colorado my Miss Colorado management had a say in modeling jobs, and took a cut of what I would make. I only did one paid modeling job as Miss Colorado (read that again, I want this to be very clear about being Miss Colorado… Miss Colorado is NOT a model and is an unpaid position).
Anyways, that one paid job I did when I was Miss Colorado was booked through my Miss Colorado management, and to be completely honest it was the WORST experience. I can’t go into details on the company that I was working for, but let’s just say some rude comments were made about me being too ‘big’…….they definitely were expecting someone younger (I was 26), and overall I wasn’t what they wanted and our personalities clashed.
When the opportunity arose for the modeling gig I did yesterday, I was extremely nervous…. rightfully so since my previous experience was an absolute disaster with a different company and different management. I decided to take the job for yesterday as I had always wanted to a Monster Energy Girl. I wanted to try modeling again because sometimes there is just a bad experience, and it shouldn’t affect the entire industry as a whole or cause you to give up.
I am so glad that I put this on my list and pushed myself to try again. Yesterday was the BEST experience with the sweetest people.
Moral of my story here, keep trying, keep pushing, and if you try something once that is less than awesome, but you’ve always wanted to do it… TRY AGAIN!