100 Things Project 2020

With the New Year and the end of the decade, I have been doing a lot of reflecting, a lot of self-development, and a lot of strategizing on what I want my 2020 to look like. I am not a big resolution person, because personally I think if you want to change your life, look in the mirror; you’re the only person who can change your life, and you don’t need to wait until January 1st to do so. I could go off on a whole tangent regarding New Year’s resolutions, but that is just completely off topic for this post.

If you follow me on social media, you know I am a huge Rachel Hollis fan. Recently, I was listening to one of her podcasts where she spoke to a woman about how she faced her fears doing 100 things that scared her (I could be butchering the concept a little because I was in the shower, lost in thought, and was not fully tuned in to listening). Anyways, I turned the podcast off immediately because I had an idea, and didn’t want my idea to be affected by the lady Rachel was interviewing. I didn’t even take down the lady’s name because I didn’t want to be tempted to look her up.

Let’s just stop right here and say how important I believe it is that you stay in your lane. I don’t read many blogs (really like maybe 1 and not consistently) because I think it is easy to read content or hear something then you just become a version of whatever someone else was saying/doing which in my opinion, just isn’t authentic.

Now back to the point, I have decided that for 2020 I am going to do a 100 Things Project and record the details with you. I probably should’ve came up with a better title for the project, but here we are. I am still ironing out the details, and I’m sure I’ll have to adjust things as I go along, but the philosophy of this project is to do 100 things that scare me, challenge me, etc. I am going to group the 100 things in groups of 10, (this part wasn’t my idea I had a good friend toss me that idea when I was sharing my 100 Thing Project concept with him), the groups of 10 will be something similar to 10 things that scare me, 10 new places, 10 things to continue, 10 things to stop, 10 things to read, 10 things to learn, 10 new foods, 10 new restaurants, etc… I think grouping the 10 things can help me even be more strategic so that this project can really improve my future, push me out of my comfort zone, and create solid routines that serve me past just 100 things over the course of the next year. I am for sure going take photos of everything, and potentially videos and blog posts.


I have decided to do this project because I was inspired by the podcast I mentioned earlier and there’s so many things I’ve ‘always wanted to do but came up with some BS excuse on why I couldn’t do them’ and then about a 10 days ago, my motivation app sent me a quote saying, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” - Les Brown

Ya’ll that quote just hit me. Have that you ever had that happen? When you’re in the middle of your perfectly fine day, and something just hits you; I thought to myself well, “Mads are you going to do something with your idea or are you going to just let it go?”

If you know me super well, I do not let shit go (lol), some may find that to be a negative quality, but personally I think it is my driving factor, the reason I get shit done, and the reason when I get something on my mind, I do not stop until I have it or until I come to a point when I realize it wasn’t for me.

I am so excited to take you all on this journey with me. If you have ideas on what I should do in this project, please send them my way. I’d love to hear from you!

