5 Books That Have Helped Transform My 20s (So Far)

Reading has always been something I have enjoyed. I remember being a little girl, getting magazines from school that had books for sale, and circling as many as I could hoping my parents would buy them for me. Now that I’m older I realize how neat it is that my parents spent hundreds of dollars on books for me read, especially because my parents didn’t make much money at the time.

Fast forward to now, instead of circling books in a magazine, I’m saving them in my Amazon cart until I finish my previous book. I’d say my love for reading hasn’t changed much from that 7 year old little girl I used to be, circling the books I wanted in a magazine. I like to read a couple books at time, sometimes even 3 books. When I read multiple books at a time, they are of different genres one is a light read, usually I read this before bed and it’s a romance novel or something fictional. My other book is usually something in the self help category. I will read it, listen to it on audible, or maybe both. In the last 3 years, I have found such a love for self help books. I think it is important to continue to learn, grow as a person, and not get content. Self help books have challenged my thinking, forced me to think about why I do some of the things I do, and how to be a better version of myself which is really my goal of everyday.

Below are top 5 self help books that I’ve read/listened to other the past few years. (PS all of these books are linked so you can click the book & it will take you directly to Amazon)

Top 5 Books That Helped Transform My 20’s (So Far)

I remember just reading the title of this book and feeling intimidated. My thought was “who would write a book with the word F*ck' on the cover.” Then I heard it recommended countless times on multiple podcasts, so I caved in and decided to read it. I was not disappointed.

Chances are if you’re a female under the age of 50 with social media that you’ve seen this book somewhere in your social media feed…. The hype of this book is with good reason. I think every woman should read this book. Rachel Hollis is so real about everything she wrote. She talks about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I actually listened to this book on Audible, and it felt like Rachel Hollis was sitting at my kitchen counter telling me her story while I baked cookies.


If you know me very well, you know I love a good mantra. After reading and listening to this book, I added, “You are a badass” to the mantras I tell myself when I’m lacking confidence. This is my ‘go-to’ book that I listen to whenever I’m in slump whether that’s emotional, physically, or in my career. After listening to a few chapters I automatically feel uplifted and inspired.

This is a book that challenges you. Tony Robbins is one of the best motivational speakers for a reason. In this book, he asks the hard questions that no one really wants to answer. This book helped me navigate deeper into my ‘why’, and what I really want to get out of my life.


I read the 5 second rule hoping to learn to not snooze my alarm. I’d say I’m the absolute worst person to live with because the snooze button is my best friend. Yes, I read this book and still snooze my alarm, but not nearly as many times as I used to so I take that as a win. Anyways, this book is a must, it is crazy what saying 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and making a decision can really do for your life. Since reading this book, I find myself using 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 at least once a week maybe more, and I read this book over two years ago.